  • The Mobility Authority Walk Up Centers and Call Center will be closed Monday, January 17. We will resume regular hours on Tuesday, January 18.  Payments can still be made online at
  • 01/13/25: We are aware of the smishing/phishing scams regarding outstanding toll charges. The Mobility Authority will never ask for personal information via text/email. You may receive legitimate text messages from the following numbers: 38047, 27974, or 512-575-3160. Please do not click on links or respond to any suspicious messages that aren’t from any of the listed numbers. Please do not click on links or respond to any suspicious messages. To get the most up to date information about your Mobility Authority account, visit or call us at (833) 762-8655. The Mobility Authority works diligently to protect our customers’ data.
  • It has come to our attention that some of our customers have received a bill from Penn Credit with an incorrect amount due. There was a formatting issue with Penn Credit’s printer that caused customers to receive an inaccurate bill. The correct amount due is at the top of the bill but visit to confirm the amount owed or call Penn Credit at 800-900-1392. 
  • TxTag has switched to HCTRA as their new payment processing provider. If you have a TxTag related question, reach out to HCTRA at to resolve any issues. If you have a Mobility Authority related question, we encourage you to visit our website and use the chat feature or submit an inquiry, or call (833) 762-8655 and request a callback.

Exempt Vehicles

Vehicles with exempt plates are not necessarily exempt from paying tolls. State law, bond covenants and Mobility Authority policy limit toll free travel to the following: Emergency Vehicles, Public Transportation & Qualifying Van Pools, and Qualified Veterans.

Emergency Vehicles

The following emergency vehicles are exempt from paying tolls:

  • a marked fire department or police vehicle;
  • a marked public or private ambulance operated by a person who has been issued a license by the Department of State Health Services;
  • an emergency medical services vehicle authorized under an emergency medical services provider license issued by the Department of State Health Services under Chapter 773, Health and Safety Code; and operating under a contract with an emergency services district that requires the emergency medical services provider to respond to emergency calls with the vehicle;
  • a municipal department or public service corporation emergency vehicle that has been designated or authorized by the governing body of a municipality;
  • a county-owned or county-leased emergency management vehicle that has been designated or authorized by the commissioners court;
  • a private vehicle of a volunteer firefighter or a certified emergency medical services employee or volunteer if and when responding to a fire alarm or medical emergency;
  • an industrial emergency response vehicle, including an industrial ambulance, when responding to an emergency, but only if the vehicle is operated in compliance with criteria in effect September 1, 1989, and established by the predecessor of the Texas Industrial Emergency Services Board of the State Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas;
  • a vehicle of a blood bank or tissue bank, accredited or approved under the laws of this state or the United States, if and when making emergency deliveries of blood, drugs, medicines, or organs;
  • a vehicle used for law enforcement purposes that is owned or leased by a federal governmental entity.

Toll payment is required of all other government vehicles. If you’ve received a bill for a vehicle that you believe qualifies for an exemption as described above, please complete the Exemption Form and submit it to:

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
3300 N IH-35, Suite 300
Austin, TX 78705


Fax: (512) 996-9784
Email: [email protected]

In addition to the completed forms, please include a fleet list in Excel format that includes license plate numbers and issuing states. If you need to update an established account, then please email the additions or deletions only.

Once the information has been processed, an email will be sent confirming that all related toll bills or violation notices have been dismissed and your request has been processed.

For more information, please call (512) 996-9778.

Public Transportation Vehicles & Qualifying Van Pools

Capital Metro Buses, Metro RideShare Van Pools, Metro Access and CARTS vehicles are exempt on Mobility Authority roads. If you are a part of one of the mentioned programs and are receiving bills from the Mobility Authority, please contact your program manager. Program managers provide us with information necessary to ensure exemption on Mobility Authority roads. We may have outdated information.

Metro RideShare drivers seeking refunds for Mobility Authority transactions debited from TxTag accounts should initiate a dispute by contacting TxTag and indicating they are exempt on Mobility Authority roads. This can be done online using the dispute category or over the phone with an agent by calling 888-468-9824.

Qualified Veterans

The Board Members and staff of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority honor and appreciate the service of the men and women of our military forces, past and present. At the June 25, 2018 Board Meeting, the Board unanimously approved a Qualified Veteran Discount Program.

The Mobility Authority’s Qualified Veteran Discount Program waives tolls on several Mobility Authority operated roads for qualified veterans, who must be in a vehicle registered with the State of Texas and display a qualifying specialty license plate.

Qualifying Texas license plates are disabled veterans and recipients of the Purple Heart, Legion of Valor and Medal of Honor awards.

To be eligible to participate in the Qualified Veteran Discount Program, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority requires that the vehicle be compliant with the following:

  • Standard registration with the State of Texas, Texas Department of Motor Vehicles;
  • Issued a qualifying specialty plate (mentioned above) and have it properly displayed;
  • Associated to an electronic toll tag account; and
  • Have no outstanding Mobility Authority toll violations

Qualified Veterans wanting to participate in our Qualified Veteran Discount Program, will need to register online at Enrollment confirmation will be e-mailed once program eligibility is confirmed, within 5 business days of registering online.

Please note, participation in the Mobility Authority’s Qualified Veteran Discount Program is limited to one (1) vehicle per veteran and does not apply to the MoPac Express Lane.

Read the Fact Sheet

Veterans and other beneficiaries may be eligible to have toll charges reimbursed by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs when they use a toll road to travel for care at a Veteran’s Administration medical facility. The Beneficiary Travel Benefits program is established and administered by the Veterans Administration. View details on eligibility and the VA’s procedures for reimbursement of toll charges available from the Veterans Administration.

The VA’s Beneficiary Travel Benefits program does not require that the person eligible for toll reimbursement travel in a vehicle with a Disabled Veterans or other special license plate. However, to be reimbursed for toll charges, you must submit a form to the VA with your receipt for payment of the toll charge no later than thirty days after the date you traveled to a VA facility for medical care. Download the required VA Form 10-3542.

For more information, questions, or assistance relating to the Beneficiary Travel Benefits program, please contact the Veterans Administration Beneficiary Travel Office at (254) 743-0749.

Helpful resources:

Commercial Accounts

We do not offer exemptions for commercial vehicles.
Commercial businesses can now sign up for post-paid accounts. Avoid receiving a toll bill for every vehicle in your fleet by calling (833) 762-8655 and speaking with a representative about how to set up your account, or send an email to [email protected]. Features of a post-paid account include:

  • Receive one bill for all your commercial vehicles per month
  • Tolls can be paid automatically with your debit/credit card once a month
  • Add, change, or remove vehicles online
  • Change or update your contact information and payment methods online
  • Avoid administrative fees by signing up for emailed statements

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