  • TxTag has switched to HCTRA as their new payment processing provider. If you have a TxTag related question, reach out to HCTRA at 281-875-EASY (3279) or to resolve any issues. If you have a Mobility Authority related question, we encourage you to visit our website and use the chat feature or submit an inquiry, or call (833) 762-8655 and request a callback.

Traffic & Incident Management Center

The Traffic Incident & Management (TIM) Center is the heart of the Mobility Authority's intelligent transportation system.

The TIM Center affords us the ability to monitor our facilities via video and other technologies such as our wrong-way driver detection system, which we piloted on 45SW Toll. The TIM Center allows us to coordinate resources for incident management and maintenance, enabling faster and more efficient responses to accidents and other interruptions to traffic flow.
Team working in the TIM center with computers and screens
Traffic cameras and sensors cover the following Mobility Authority roadways:
183A Toll Shield 183A Toll Road
290 Toll Shield 290 Toll Road
71 Toll Shield 71 Toll Lane
MoPac Express Toll Shield MoPac Express Lane
45 Toll Shield 45SW Toll Road
183 Toll Shield 183 Toll Road

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Follow the TIM Center (@RMATIMCenter) on Twitter for traffic alerts about Mobility Authority open roads.

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