  • TxTag has switched to HCTRA as their new payment processing provider. If you have a TxTag related question, reach out to HCTRA at 281-875-EASY (3279) or to resolve any issues. If you have a Mobility Authority related question, we encourage you to visit our website and use the chat feature or submit an inquiry, or call (833) 762-8655 and request a callback.

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority Welcomes New Chairman

Businessman and long-time Austin resident Robert “Bobby” Jenkins, Jr. takes the oath of office to serve Central Texas

(Austin, Texas) -Today, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority welcomed a new Board of Directors Chairman to lead the agency. Robert “Bobby” Jenkins, Jr. was appointed in July by Governor Abbott and was sworn in at today’s Board meeting. Jenkins will serve a term set to expire on February 1, 2021.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve the residents of Central Texas in this new role,” said Jenkins. “Mobility is a critical component of our region’s quality of life, and I look forward to building on the agency’s efforts to move more people and goods as efficiently as possibly throughout our growing region.”

Jenkins is the President and Owner of ABC Home & Commercial Services, which employs more than 700 people in the Central Texas area. He is former chairman and a current member of the Better Business Bureau and the Austin Chamber of Commerce, and he serves on the executive committee of the Texas Business Leadership Council. He actively participates in his community as a board member of the Texas Higher Education Foundation, United Way of Greater Austin, Alzheimer’s Texas, and the American Heart Association. His prior gubernatorial appointments include chairing the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Jenkins received a Bachelor of Business Administration in business management from Texas A&M University.

Serving the community has always been a high priority for Jenkins. He was honored as “2017 Austinite of the Year” by the Austin Chamber of Commerce for his decades of service to strengthen our community, practice philanthropy, and give back.

“There is nobody better suited to take on leadership of this agency than Bobby,” said Mike Heiligenstein, Executive Director for the Mobility Authority. “Bobby is an exemplary business leader and public servant. He brings a seasoned, customer-centered approach, and I look forward to his leadership.”

Jenkins replaces former Mobility Authority Chairman Ray A. Wilkerson, who resigned in May, 2019 after 10 years of service to the Region, following the end of the legislative session.

“I would be remiss if I did not thank Ray for his dedication to this agency and the community,” said Heiligenstein. “Ray transformed this agency from its early stages as a small startup to a thriving, multi-billion-dollar entity serving the needs of Central Texas and beyond. We are indebted to the many contributions his time and talents have brought.”


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