  • TxTag has switched to HCTRA as their new payment processing provider. If you have a TxTag related question, reach out to HCTRA at 281-875-EASY (3279) or to resolve any issues. If you have a Mobility Authority related question, we encourage you to visit our website and use the chat feature or submit an inquiry, or call (833) 762-8655 and request a callback.

Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority Chair Announces Resignation

Ray A. Wilkerson to step down from his role as Chair of Mobility Authority after 10 years of dedicated service to Central Texas

(Austin, Texas)—Today Ray A. Wilkerson, Chair of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (Mobility Authority) announced his resignation from his role with the agency.

Chairman Wilkerson was instrumental in helping develop the agency from its early stages as a small startup to a thriving, multi-billion-dollar entity serving the needs and improving the lives of Central Texans as well as those throughout the entire State of Texas. Under Mr. Wilkerson’s leadership, the Mobility Authority has helped to spur the development of billions of dollars’ worth of economic development throughout the Central Texas region, with the creation of new jobs and a substantial new tax base for local government. The economic development resulting from the improved infrastructure provided by the Mobility Authority has made Austin a mecca for new industry and has resulted in our area being one of the most robust and fastest-growing in the country.

“After almost 11 years as Chair of the Mobility Authority and very thoughtful deliberation, I have decided it is time for me to move on and seek a new challenge. With the 86th legislative session having come to a close at the end of May, I believe now is a good time for me to resign my position as Chair,” said Wilkerson.

Mr. Wilkerson has worked tirelessly with elected officials, business entities, non-profits and the community during his time with the Mobility Authority. “I sincerely thank both Governor Perry and Governor Abbott for the confidence they have shown in me over these past 10 years as Chair of the Mobility Authority.”

Texas Transportation Commission Chairman J. Bruce Bugg, Jr. said, “Congratulations to Ray on his next chapter. I’ve enjoyed working together with him to solve our Central Texas transportation needs.”

State Senator Kirk Watson said, “Ray has served our community and our state with distinction and humility for decades. As Chair of the Mobility Authority, Ray has been instrumental in transforming mobility in Central Texas. I can’t praise him or thank him enough for his commitment and service.”

This action also ends 31 years of consecutive gubernatorial public service appointments for Mr. Wilkerson.


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