  • TxTag has switched to HCTRA as their new payment processing provider. If you have a TxTag related question, reach out to HCTRA at 281-875-EASY (3279) or to resolve any issues. If you have a Mobility Authority related question, we encourage you to visit our website and use the chat feature or submit an inquiry, or call (833) 762-8655 and request a callback.

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Michael White
1801 Wells Branch Pkwy 610, Austin, TX 78753
Scope of Work
Our team is committed to helping the environment, as well as saving our clients bottom line from maintenance needs. We are continually innovating to bring best-in-class products and services to our customers and make sure their needs are met. Our team goal is dedicated to helping fleet managers tackle their most challenging lube oil, fuel, and hydraulic oil issues.
DBE, MBE, HUB, Other
Bonding Capacity

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